XBEE Evaluation Protocol

The impact of XBEE technology on fuel can be monitored, verified, and calculated. XBEE enzymes have been scientifically proven to be effective in purifying fuel by dispersing bacteria, sludge, and water in the fuel.

The consequence of using enhanced diesel or heavy fuel oil is a natural cleaning effect of the fuel system and engine enzymes that continue to act to remove carbon deposits and other contaminants. Additional consequences of this cleaning effect are the reduction of smoke and implied gas emissions. Ultimately, these parameters translate into reduced fuel consumption.


1 ) Contaminants:

XBEE enzymes disperse water and organic contaminants in fuel, that are then burnt naturally with the fuel which is cleaned up completely after a few weeks of treatment.

There are two methods to measure the impact of the fuel technology regarding the contaminants:

  • It is possible to analyze the fuel before the first treatment with XBEE and a couple of samples after one- & two- months of using XBEE fuels.
  • It is also possible to take pictures of the content of the filters before the first treatment and simply check the absence of the said contaminants after a month or two of using XBEE fuels.
Fuel injector cleaner - XBEE Evaluation Protocol
2 ) Tanks:

XBEE enzymes purify the fuel, disperse sludge and contaminants in the tanks and from the walls of the tanks. The cleansing is done in the main storage tanks first, then the settling tank, and finally the daily tank.

The best method, although it has no scientific background, is the most objective for a technical engineer: detailed pictures of the tanks should be taken prior to the use of XBEE, and comparative pictures should be taken at least six months after the first treatment with the fuel technology.

The cleanness of tanks filled with XBEE fuel is remarkable and can be easily noticed. Fuel samples can be analyzed before and after to bring scientific data to the method.

Fuel injector cleaner - XBEE Evaluation Protocol
3 ) Engine:

A cleaner fuel does not pollute anymore the fuel system and the engine. Moreover, the enzymes keep working up to several million times per second to break the contaminants, including the carbon deposits. The most effective method to measure the cleansing effect of the fuel technology in the engine is to use XBEE fuel injector cleaner for at least six months before a complete overhaul during which it is possible to compare pictures, maintenance reports, spare parts budgets, etc.

Within the period of evaluation, it is possible to use endoscopic equipment to take a look at valves, pistons, etc., and see the evolution month after month.

4) Exhausts:

A cleaner engine naturally performs better, burns more completely the fuel. The consequence is a reduction of the volume of gas at the exhaust, a reduction of air pollutants within the gas emission, and a reduction of lost heat. This translates quickly in less Carbon Monoxide and Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxide and Dioxide, Sulfur Oxides, Particles…

The first changes can be checked within a couple of weeks of using the XBEE fuel injector cleaner just by checking the volume and color of smokes that will decrease and lighten the days going by.

The most effective and reliable method to control the evolution of the exhausts is to either install an analyzer onboard or call for the service of an accredited laboratory that can measure the different gas in detail. Two measures are necessary in that case: a baseline before using XBEE and at least one comparative measure after a couple of months of regular use of XBEE fuels.

Marine Diesel Oil

HFO 180

HFO 380
5) Consumption:

The logic in mechanics implies that a cleaner engine which exhausts are reduced consequently consumes less fuel. Actually, the reduction of the fuel consumption is only a back to normal all engines overconsuming after a few months or years of work with standard fuels.

This parameter though is difficult to measure as many factors and variables impact the fuel consumption. The only scientific and objective method to control the evolution of the fuel consumption is to install devices to measure the fuel consumption per liter (in & out) and the power generation (kW/h) at least. Then, it is possible to calculate the specific fuel oil consumption in g/kWh.

The other approach is more subjective but not less reliable in many cases as Technical Directors, Fuel Purchasers or Fleet Engineers know well the yearly consumption of their engines and can spot a difference of a few percent.